using Cyber.Entities; using UnityEngine.Networking; namespace Cyber.Networking.Messages { /// /// Contains sync data to sync stuff with. /// public class SyncPkt : MessageBase { /// /// The Sync Packet ID of this packet. /// public int SyncPacketID; /// /// The Array of SyncID added in this SyncPkt /// public int[] SyncedSyncBases; private SyncDB SyncDB; /// /// Creates a SyncPkt on the serverside. /// /// SyncDB to sync from. /// The ID's of the SyncBases to sync. /// ID of the sync packet itself. public SyncPkt(SyncDB syncDB, int[] syncBases, int syncPacketID) { SyncPacketID = syncPacketID; SyncDB = syncDB; SyncedSyncBases = syncBases; } /// /// Creates SyncPkt for deserializing. /// /// SyncBase to sync to. public SyncPkt(SyncDB syncDB) { SyncDB = syncDB; } /// /// Deserializes the SynkPkt with ONLY the Sync Packet ID. /// /// public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader) { SyncPacketID = reader.ReadInt32(); } /// /// Applies the SyncPkt. /// /// public void ApplySync(NetworkReader reader) { byte[][] ByteArray = new byte[4][]; ByteArray[0] = reader.ReadBytesAndSize(); ByteArray[1] = reader.ReadBytesAndSize(); ByteArray[2] = reader.ReadBytesAndSize(); ByteArray[3] = reader.ReadBytesAndSize(); SyncedSyncBases = NetworkHelper.DeserializeIntArray(ByteArray); foreach (int syncId in SyncedSyncBases) { SyncDB.Get(syncId).Deserialize(reader); } } /// /// Serializes the SyncPkt and writes everything it needs. /// /// public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer) { writer.Write(SyncPacketID); byte[][] ByteArray = NetworkHelper.SerializeIntArray(SyncedSyncBases); writer.WriteBytesFull(ByteArray[0]); writer.WriteBytesFull(ByteArray[1]); writer.WriteBytesFull(ByteArray[2]); writer.WriteBytesFull(ByteArray[3]); foreach (int syncId in SyncedSyncBases) { SyncDB.Get(syncId).Serialize(writer); } } } }