using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Cyber.Console; namespace Cyber.Util { /// /// Renders textures that have text written on them. /// public class TextTextureRenderer : MonoBehaviour { private static TextTextureRenderer Singleton; private static Dictionary Cache = new Dictionary(); /// /// The camera the text is rendered with. /// public Camera Camera; /// /// The text that is rendered on screen. /// public TextMesh Text; /// /// Sets the singleton. /// public TextTextureRenderer() { Singleton = this; } private Texture2D RenderText(TextTextureProperties text) { // Set scales float Scale = 2.0f / text.Width; Text.fontSize = text.FontSize; Text.characterSize = text.FontSize * Scale * 0.25f; // Fix newlines Text.text = text.Text.Replace("\\n", "\n"); float CharacterWidth = FontUtil.GetCharacterWidth(Text.font, Text.fontSize, Text.fontStyle); string FixedText = ""; int CutAmount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Text.text.Length; i++) { int RowLength = i - CutAmount; string Line = Text.text.Substring(CutAmount, RowLength).Trim() + "\n"; int NextWordLength = 0; if (Text.text[i] == ' ' && i + 1 < Text.text.Length) { NextWordLength = Text.text.Substring(i + 1).Split(' ')[0].Length; } if ((Line.Length + NextWordLength) * CharacterWidth > text.Width - text.OffsetX || Text.text[i] == '\n') { FixedText += Line; CutAmount = i; } } FixedText += Text.text.Substring(CutAmount).Trim(); Text.text = FixedText; // Setup render textures RenderTexture TextTexture = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(text.Width, text.Height); RenderTexture OldRT = Camera.targetTexture; // Calculate positions float OffsetX = -text.Width / 2f; float OffsetY = -text.Height / 2f; if (text.Centered) { OffsetX = 0; Text.anchor = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; } else { Text.anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; } Camera.orthographicSize = 1.0f * text.Height / text.Width; Camera.transform.localPosition = new Vector3( -(text.OffsetX + OffsetX) * Scale, (text.OffsetY + OffsetY) * Scale); // Setup camera Camera.targetTexture = TextTexture; Camera.backgroundColor = text.Background; // *click* Camera.Render(); Camera.targetTexture = OldRT; // Copy the result to a Texture2D OldRT =; Texture2D Result = new Texture2D(text.Width, text.Height); = TextTexture; Result.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, Result.width, Result.height), 0, 0); Result.Apply(); // Clean up = OldRT; RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(TextTexture); return Result; } /// /// Renders a texture and caches it so it can be used as a texture /// for a material (like a computer screen for example). /// /// The text. /// Text. /// Whether the texture should be rendered /// again even if it's cached. public static Texture2D GetText(TextTextureProperties text, bool forceRender = false) { string Hash = CreateHash(text); if (forceRender || !Cache.ContainsKey(Hash)) { Cache[Hash] = Singleton.RenderText(text); } return Cache[Hash]; } private static string CreateHash(TextTextureProperties text) { return text.Text + "," + text.OffsetX + "," + text.OffsetY + "," + text.Width + "," + text.Height + "," + text.FontSize + "," + text.Background.r + "," + text.Background.g + "," + text.Background.b; } } }