using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Cyber.Util; using Cyber.Console; using Cyber.Entities.SyncBases; using Cyber.Items; using Cyber.Networking.Clientside; using Cyber.Networking; using Cyber.Networking.Messages; namespace Cyber.Controls { /// /// Handles displaying and interacting with the inventory. /// public class InventoryInterface : MonoBehaviour { /// /// The inventory of the player, will be displayed here. /// public Inventory Inventory; /// /// The camera that is displaying this inventory interface. /// public Camera Camera; /// /// The hologram that acts as the root for the inventory. /// public Hologram Hologram; /// /// The text texture that shows the selected item's name. /// public TextTextureApplier ItemNameText; /// /// The text texture that shows the selected item's description. /// public TextTextureApplier ItemDescriptionText; /// /// The item preview mesh. /// public MeshFilter ItemPreviewMesh; /// /// The item preview spinner. /// public Spinner ItemPreviewSpinner; /// /// The icon for the inventory. /// public MeshRenderer IconInventory; /// /// The icon for the status. /// public MeshRenderer IconStatus; /// /// The icon for the social. /// public MeshRenderer IconSocial; /// /// The icon for the map. /// public MeshRenderer IconMap; /// /// The text that describes the selected icon. /// public TextTextureApplier IconExplainerText; /// /// The selector mesh. It'll move to the position of the selected item /// in the grid. /// public Transform ItemGridSelector; /// /// The parent of all the gameobjects that create the grid. /// public Transform ItemGridParent; /// /// The item grid dimensions. /// public Vector2 ItemGridDimensions; private bool InventoryOpen = false; private float PreviewVisibility = 0f; private List ItemGridCells; private List ItemGridCellMeshes; private int ItemGridSelectedIndex; private Item SelectedItem = null; private Color IconInventoryColor; private Color IconStatusColor; private Color IconSocialColor; private Color IconMapColor; private void Start() { int ItemGridSize = (int) ItemGridDimensions.x * (int) ItemGridDimensions.y; ItemGridCells = new List(ItemGridSize); ItemGridCellMeshes = new List(ItemGridSize); for (int i = 0; i < ItemGridSize; i++) { Transform Cell = ItemGridParent.GetChild(i).transform; ItemGridCells.Add(Cell); ItemGridCellMeshes.Add(Cell.GetComponentInChildren()); } IconInventoryColor = IconInventory.material.GetColor("_EmissionColor"); IconStatusColor = IconStatus.material.GetColor("_EmissionColor"); IconSocialColor = IconSocial.material.GetColor("_EmissionColor"); IconMapColor = IconMap.material.GetColor("_EmissionColor"); } private void Update() { if (Term.IsVisible()) { return; } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Inventory")) { InventoryOpen = !InventoryOpen; Hologram.Visible = InventoryOpen; CursorHandler.RequestLockState(!InventoryOpen); } int CurrentIndex = -1; RaycastHit LookedAt = CameraUtil.GetLookedAtHit(Camera, 1f, true); if (LookedAt.collider != null) { MeshRenderer Mesh = LookedAt.collider.GetComponent(); if (ItemGridCells.Contains(LookedAt.collider.transform)) { // Interacting with the item list CurrentIndex = int.Parse(' ')[1]); if (Input.GetButtonDown("Activate")) { if (ItemGridSelectedIndex == CurrentIndex && SelectedItem != null) { // Selected index was already this => equip (double-clicked) Item Equipped = Inventory.Equipped.GetItem(SelectedItem.Slot); if (Equipped != null && Equipped.ID == SelectedItem.ID) { Inventory.Equipped.ClearSlot(SelectedItem.Slot); Client.Send(PktType.InventoryAction, new InventoryActionPkt(InventoryAction.Unequip, (int) SelectedItem.Slot)); } else { Inventory.Equipped.SetSlot(SelectedItem.Slot, SelectedItem); Client.Send(PktType.InventoryAction, new InventoryActionPkt(InventoryAction.Equip, SelectedItem.ID)); } } ItemGridSelectedIndex = CurrentIndex; } } else if (Mesh != null) { float InvBrightness = 1.1f; float StsBrightness = 1f; float SclBrightness = 1f; float MapBrightness = 1f; string SelectedIcon = ""; if (Mesh == IconInventory) { InvBrightness = 1.2f; SelectedIcon = "Storage"; } else if (Mesh == IconStatus) { StsBrightness = 1.2f; SelectedIcon = "Status"; } else if (Mesh == IconSocial) { SclBrightness = 1.2f; SelectedIcon = "Social"; } else if (Mesh == IconMap) { MapBrightness = 1.2f; SelectedIcon = "Map"; } TextTextureProperties Props = IconExplainerText.TextProperties; Props.Text = SelectedIcon; IconExplainerText.SetTextProperties(Props); IconInventory.material.SetColor("_EmissionColor", new Color(IconInventoryColor.r * InvBrightness, IconInventoryColor.g * InvBrightness, IconInventoryColor.b * InvBrightness)); IconStatus.material.SetColor("_EmissionColor", new Color(IconStatusColor.r * StsBrightness, IconStatusColor.g * StsBrightness, IconStatusColor.b * StsBrightness)); IconSocial.material.SetColor("_EmissionColor", new Color(IconSocialColor.r * SclBrightness, IconSocialColor.g * SclBrightness, IconSocialColor.b * SclBrightness)); IconMap.material.SetColor("_EmissionColor", new Color(IconMapColor.r * MapBrightness, IconMapColor.g * MapBrightness, IconMapColor.b * MapBrightness)); } } else { // Outside of the inventory, clicking will unselect if (Input.GetButtonDown("Activate")) { ItemGridSelectedIndex = -1; } } RebuildItemGrid(CurrentIndex); } private void RebuildItemGrid(int focused) { bool ItemFound = false; for (int y = 0; y < ItemGridDimensions.y; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < ItemGridDimensions.x; x++) { // Find the item and mesh int i = x + y * (int) ItemGridDimensions.x; Item Item = Inventory.Drive.Interface.GetItemAt(x, y); Mesh Mesh = null; if (Item != null) { Mesh = MeshDB.GetMesh(Item.ModelID); } ItemGridCellMeshes[i].mesh = Mesh; // Set the base scale and spin status float Scale = 0.08f; bool Spinning = false; if (focused == i || ItemGridSelectedIndex == i) { // Item is selected or hovered, animate Scale = 0.1f; Spinning = true; } if (ItemGridSelectedIndex == i) { // Update the selected item SelectedItem = Item; // Set preview information SetPreviewMesh(Mesh); TextTextureProperties NameProps = ItemNameText.TextProperties; TextTextureProperties DescriptionProps = ItemDescriptionText.TextProperties; if (Item != null) { NameProps.Text = Item.Name; DescriptionProps.Text = Item.Description; ItemFound = true; } else { NameProps.Text = ""; DescriptionProps.Text = ""; } ItemNameText.SetTextProperties(NameProps); ItemDescriptionText.SetTextProperties(DescriptionProps); // Move selector if ((ItemGridSelector.position - ItemGridCells[i].position).magnitude < 0.01f) { ItemGridSelector.position = ItemGridCells[i].position; } else { ItemGridSelector.position = Vector3.Lerp(ItemGridSelector.position, ItemGridCells[i].position, 20f * Time.deltaTime); } Vector3 NewRot = ItemGridSelector.localEulerAngles; NewRot.z = 0; ItemGridSelector.localEulerAngles = NewRot; } if (!Spinning) { // Not selected, reset rotation ItemGridCellMeshes[i].transform.LookAt(Camera.transform); Vector3 NewRot = ItemGridCellMeshes[i].transform.localEulerAngles; NewRot.z = 0; ItemGridCellMeshes[i].transform.localEulerAngles = NewRot; } // Update spinning status and scaling ItemGridCells[i].GetComponent().Spinning = Spinning; FixMeshScaling(ItemGridCellMeshes[i], Scale); } } // Hide the selector if nothing is selected ItemGridSelector.gameObject.SetActive(ItemGridSelectedIndex >= 0); // Clean up the preview screen if there was no item if (!ItemFound) { SetPreviewMesh(null); TextTextureProperties NameProps = ItemNameText.TextProperties; TextTextureProperties DescriptionProps = ItemDescriptionText.TextProperties; NameProps.Text = ""; DescriptionProps.Text = ""; ItemNameText.SetTextProperties(NameProps); ItemDescriptionText.SetTextProperties(DescriptionProps); PreviewVisibility = Mathf.Lerp(PreviewVisibility, 0f, 10f * Time.deltaTime); } else { PreviewVisibility = Mathf.Lerp(PreviewVisibility, 1f, 10f * Time.deltaTime); } } private void SetPreviewMesh(Mesh mesh) { ItemPreviewSpinner.Spinning = mesh != null; if (mesh != null) { ItemPreviewMesh.mesh = mesh; } FixMeshScaling(ItemPreviewMesh, 0.175f * PreviewVisibility); } private void FixMeshScaling(MeshFilter toFix, float scale) { if (toFix.mesh == null) { return; } float HighestExtent = 0.1f; float Height = toFix.mesh.bounds.extents.y * 2f; float Width = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(toFix.mesh.bounds.extents.x * 2f, 2) + Mathf.Pow(toFix.mesh.bounds.extents.y * 2f, 2)); float Depth = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(toFix.mesh.bounds.extents.z * 2f, 2) + Mathf.Pow(toFix.mesh.bounds.extents.y * 2f, 2)); if (Height > HighestExtent) { HighestExtent = Height; } if (Width > HighestExtent) { HighestExtent = Width; } if (Depth > HighestExtent) { HighestExtent = Depth; } float Scale = scale * 1f / HighestExtent; toFix.transform.localScale = new Vector3(Scale, Scale, Scale); } } }