using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; public class ItemGrabber : MonoBehaviour { public Transform CameraTransform; public Transform HandTransform; public Transform TorchHandTransform; public CanvasGroup PrimaryIndicator; public Text PrimaryText; public CanvasGroup SecondaryIndicator; public Text SecondaryText; public LayerMask ItemLayer; public LayerMask DroppingRaycastMask; public float Distance; [Header("Prefabs")] public GameObject TorchPrefab; [Header("Runtime values")] public List GrabbedItems; public Torch Torch; public GameObject NextTorch; private Item LookedAtItem = null; private float LastItemHitTime = -1; private void Start() { PrimaryIndicator.alpha = 0; SecondaryIndicator.alpha = 0; } private void Update() { Campfire Campfire = null; RaycastHit Hit; Vector3 From = CameraTransform.position; Vector3 Direction = CameraTransform.forward; Item ThrowableItem = GetThrowableItem(); Item TorchableItem = GetTorchableItem(); bool CanIgniteTorch = Torch != null && TorchableItem != null; if (Physics.Raycast(From, Direction, out Hit, Distance, ItemLayer) && Hit.collider.attachedRigidbody != null) { LookedAtItem = Hit.collider.attachedRigidbody.GetComponent(); LastItemHitTime = Time.time; } else if (Time.time - LastItemHitTime > 0.1f) { LookedAtItem = null; } if (Physics.Raycast(From, Direction, out Hit, Distance * 2f, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Campfire")) && Hit.collider.attachedRigidbody != null) { Campfire = Hit.collider.attachedRigidbody.GetComponent(); CanIgniteTorch |= Campfire != null && TorchableItem != null; } if (Campfire == null && LookedAtItem != null && Input.GetButtonDown("Grab")) { LookedAtItem.PickUp(HandTransform); GrabbedItems.Add(LookedAtItem); } if (GrabbedItems.Count > 0) { if (CanIgniteTorch && Input.GetButtonDown("Ignite")) { if (Torch == null) { NextTorch = TorchableItem.gameObject; GrabbedItems.Remove(TorchableItem); EquipNewTorch(); } else { // Starts the pass NextTorch = TorchableItem.gameObject; // Passing the torch will cause the current one to extinguish, // and then the new one will be equipped Torch.PassTorch(TorchableItem.IgnitePoint); } } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Grab") && (LookedAtItem == null || Campfire != null) && ThrowableItem != null) { Vector3 DropPosition; if (Campfire != null) { DropPosition = Campfire.transform.position + Vector3.up * 0.7f; } else { if (Physics.Raycast(From, Direction, out Hit, Distance * 2f, DroppingRaycastMask)) { DropPosition = Hit.point + Hit.normal * 0.1f; } else { DropPosition = From + Direction * Distance; } } ThrowableItem.Drop(DropPosition); GrabbedItems.Remove(ThrowableItem); } } if (Torch != null && !Torch.Burning) { // Move torch back into the right hand int NextTorchIndex = -1; for (int I = 0; I < GrabbedItems.Count; I++) { if (GrabbedItems[I].gameObject == NextTorch) { NextTorchIndex = I; continue; } } // Previous torch's item component Item TorchItem = Torch.GetComponent(); TorchItem.PickUp(HandTransform); if (NextTorchIndex != -1) { GrabbedItems[NextTorchIndex] = TorchItem; } else { GrabbedItems.Add(TorchItem); } // Equip new torch if there is one queued Torch = null; if (NextTorch != null) { EquipNewTorch(); } } PrimaryIndicator.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(PrimaryIndicator.alpha, LookedAtItem != null || Campfire != null || ThrowableItem != null ? 1 : 0, 10f * Time.deltaTime); if (Campfire != null && ThrowableItem != null) { PrimaryText.text = $"Burn {ThrowableItem.Quality.DisplayName}"; } else if (LookedAtItem != null && Campfire == null) { PrimaryText.text = $"Take {LookedAtItem.Quality.DisplayName}"; } else if (ThrowableItem != null) { PrimaryText.text = $"Throw {ThrowableItem.Quality.DisplayName}"; } SecondaryIndicator.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(SecondaryIndicator.alpha, CanIgniteTorch ? 1 : 0, 10f * Time.deltaTime); if (CanIgniteTorch) { SecondaryText.text = $"Ignite {TorchableItem.Quality.DisplayName}"; } } private Item GetTorchableItem() { Item ChosenItem = null; foreach (Item I in GrabbedItems) { Torch CurrentTorch = I.GetComponent(); if (I.Quality.Ignitable && (CurrentTorch == null || CurrentTorch.Burning)) { ChosenItem = I; continue; } } return ChosenItem; } private Item GetThrowableItem() { Item ChosenItem = null; foreach (Item I in GrabbedItems) { if (I.gameObject != NextTorch) { ChosenItem = I; continue; } } return ChosenItem; } private void EquipNewTorch() { GameObject TorchObj = Instantiate(TorchPrefab, NextTorch.transform.position, NextTorch.transform.rotation, TorchHandTransform); Torch = TorchObj.GetComponent(); Destroy(NextTorch); NextTorch = null; } }