//======= Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =============== // // Purpose: Prompt developers to use settings most compatible with SteamVR. // //============================================================================= using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace Valve.VR { [InitializeOnLoad] public class SteamVR_AutoEnableVR { static SteamVR_AutoEnableVR() { EditorApplication.update += Update; } protected const string openVRString = "OpenVR"; protected const string openVRPackageString = "com.unity.xr.openvr.standalone"; #if UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER private enum PackageStates { None, WaitingForList, WaitingForAdd, WaitingForAddConfirm, Installed, Failed, } private static UnityEditor.PackageManager.Requests.ListRequest listRequest; private static UnityEditor.PackageManager.Requests.AddRequest addRequest; private static PackageStates packageState = PackageStates.None; private static System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch addingPackageTime = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); private static System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch addingPackageTimeTotal = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); private static float estimatedTimeToInstall = 80; private static int addTryCount = 0; #endif public static void Update() { if (SteamVR_Settings.instance.autoEnableVR) { bool enabledVR = false; if (UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.virtualRealitySupported == false) { UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.virtualRealitySupported = true; enabledVR = true; Debug.Log("[SteamVR Setup] Enabled virtual reality support in Player Settings. (you can disable this by unchecking Assets/SteamVR/SteamVR_Settings.autoEnableVR)"); } UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup currentTarget = UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedBuildTargetGroup; #if (UNITY_5_4 || UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_0) string[] devices = UnityEditorInternal.VR.VREditor.GetVREnabledDevices(currentTarget); #else string[] devices = UnityEditorInternal.VR.VREditor.GetVREnabledDevicesOnTargetGroup(currentTarget); #endif bool hasOpenVR = devices.Any(device => string.Equals(device, openVRString, System.StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); if (hasOpenVR == false || enabledVR) { string[] newDevices; if (enabledVR && hasOpenVR == false) { newDevices = new string[] { openVRString }; //only list openvr if we enabled it } else { List devicesList = new List(devices); //list openvr as the first option if it wasn't in the list. if (hasOpenVR) devicesList.Remove(openVRString); devicesList.Insert(0, openVRString); newDevices = devicesList.ToArray(); } #if (UNITY_5_6 || UNITY_5_4 || UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_1 || UNITY_5_0) UnityEditorInternal.VR.VREditor.SetVREnabledDevices(currentTarget, newDevices); #else UnityEditorInternal.VR.VREditor.SetVREnabledDevicesOnTargetGroup(currentTarget, newDevices); #endif Debug.Log("[SteamVR Setup] Added OpenVR to supported VR SDKs list."); } #if UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER //2018+ requires us to manually add the OpenVR package switch (packageState) { case PackageStates.None: //see if we have the package listRequest = UnityEditor.PackageManager.Client.List(true); packageState = PackageStates.WaitingForList; break; case PackageStates.WaitingForList: if (listRequest.IsCompleted) { if (listRequest.Error != null || listRequest.Status == UnityEditor.PackageManager.StatusCode.Failure) { packageState = PackageStates.Failed; break; } bool hasPackage = listRequest.Result.Any(package => package.name == openVRPackageString); if (hasPackage == false) { //if we don't have the package - then install it addRequest = UnityEditor.PackageManager.Client.Add(openVRPackageString); packageState = PackageStates.WaitingForAdd; addTryCount++; Debug.Log("[SteamVR Setup] Installing OpenVR package..."); addingPackageTime.Start(); addingPackageTimeTotal.Start(); } else { //if we do have the package do nothing packageState = PackageStates.Installed; //already installed } } break; case PackageStates.WaitingForAdd: if (addRequest.IsCompleted) { if (addRequest.Error != null || addRequest.Status == UnityEditor.PackageManager.StatusCode.Failure) { packageState = PackageStates.Failed; break; } else { //if the package manager says we added it then confirm that with the list listRequest = UnityEditor.PackageManager.Client.List(true); packageState = PackageStates.WaitingForAddConfirm; } } else { if (addingPackageTimeTotal.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > estimatedTimeToInstall) estimatedTimeToInstall *= 2; // :) string dialogText; if (addTryCount == 1) dialogText = "Installing OpenVR from Unity Package Manager..."; else dialogText = "Retrying OpenVR install from Unity Package Manager..."; bool cancel = UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("SteamVR", dialogText, (float)addingPackageTimeTotal.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / estimatedTimeToInstall); if (cancel) packageState = PackageStates.Failed; if (addingPackageTime.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > 10) { Debug.Log("[SteamVR Setup] Waiting for package manager to install OpenVR package..."); addingPackageTime.Stop(); addingPackageTime.Reset(); addingPackageTime.Start(); } } break; case PackageStates.WaitingForAddConfirm: if (listRequest.IsCompleted) { if (listRequest.Error != null) { packageState = PackageStates.Failed; break; } bool hasPackage = listRequest.Result.Any(package => package.name == openVRPackageString); if (hasPackage == false) { if (addTryCount == 1) { addRequest = UnityEditor.PackageManager.Client.Add(openVRPackageString); packageState = PackageStates.WaitingForAdd; addTryCount++; Debug.Log("[SteamVR Setup] Retrying OpenVR package install..."); } else { packageState = PackageStates.Failed; } } else { packageState = PackageStates.Installed; //installed successfully Debug.Log("[SteamVR Setup] Successfully installed OpenVR package."); } } break; } if (packageState == PackageStates.Failed || packageState == PackageStates.Installed) { addingPackageTime.Stop(); addingPackageTimeTotal.Stop(); UnityEditor.EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); UnityEditor.EditorApplication.update -= Update; //we're done trying to auto-enable vr if (packageState == PackageStates.Failed) { string failtext = "The Unity Package Manager failed to automatically install the OpenVR package. Please open the Package Manager Window and try to install it manually."; UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("SteamVR", failtext, "Ok"); Debug.Log("[SteamVR Setup] " + failtext); } } #else UnityEditor.EditorApplication.update -= Update; #endif } } } }