[gd_resource type="Resource" script_class="FuncGodotFGDSolidClass" load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://dg5x44cc7flew"] [ext_resource type="Resource" uid="uid://nayxb8n7see2" path="res://addons/func_godot/fgd/phong_base.tres" id="1_kv0mq"] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://addons/func_godot/src/fgd/func_godot_fgd_solid_class.gd" id="2_uffhi"] [resource] script = ExtResource("2_uffhi") spawn_type = 2 origin_type = 0 build_visuals = true use_in_baked_light = true shadow_casting_setting = 1 build_occlusion = true render_layers = 1 collision_shape_type = 0 collision_layer = 1 collision_mask = 1 collision_priority = 1.0 collision_shape_margin = 0.04 classname = "func_illusionary" description = "Static geometry with no collision. Builds a Node3D with a MeshInstance3D and an Occluder3D to aid in render culling of other VisualInstance3D nodes." func_godot_internal = false base_classes = Array[Resource]([ExtResource("1_kv0mq")]) class_properties = {} class_property_descriptions = {} meta_properties = { "color": Color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1) } node_class = "Node3D" name_property = ""