Updated NetDebug, changed List To ConcurrentQueue

This commit is contained in:
Sofia 2020-08-10 23:18:37 +03:00
parent 83b09442d2
commit 1962212ec0
11 changed files with 617 additions and 7 deletions

View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using TMPro;
using NeonTea.Quakeball.Networking;
using System;
public class NetDebugScreen : MonoBehaviour {
public RectTransform BackgroundPanel;
public TMP_Text ReceivedText;
public TMP_Text SentText;
public float UpdateInterval = 5f;
private InputAction ToggleNetDebug;
private float LastUpdate;
private bool IsOpen;
private void Start() {
ToggleNetDebug = new InputAction("Toggle Net Debug", binding: "<Keyboard>/F3");
ToggleNetDebug.performed += _ => {
IsOpen = !IsOpen;
private void Update() {
bool NetworkingAvailable = Net.Singleton.Instance != null && Net.Singleton.Instance.Peer.Running;
if (IsOpen && !NetworkingAvailable) {
ReceivedText.text = "No networking data to show";
SentText.text = "";
} else if (IsOpen && NetworkingAvailable) {
var Peer = Net.Singleton.Instance.Peer;
if (Time.time - LastUpdate > UpdateInterval) {
LastUpdate = Time.time;
float ToSeconds = 1f / (Peer.TrafficDataInterval / 1000f);
string received = $"Total Bytes Receivd: {Peer.TrafficReceived * ToSeconds} B/s\nReceived by packet:";
foreach (Type t in Peer.TrafficReceivedByPacket.Keys) {
received += $"\n{t.Name} - {Peer.TrafficReceivedByPacket[t] * ToSeconds} B/s";
ReceivedText.text = received;
string sent = $"Total Bytes Sent: {Net.Singleton.Instance.Peer.TrafficSent * ToSeconds} B/s\nSent by packet:";
foreach (Type t in Peer.TrafficSentByPacket.Keys) {
sent += $"\n{t.Name} - {Peer.TrafficSentByPacket[t] * ToSeconds} B/s";
SentText.text = sent;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 48e2ed0c59f482249828cded7257d545
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}

View File

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ namespace NeonTea.Quakeball.TeaNet.Packets {
} else if (connection.Status == ConnectionStatus.Ready) {
return buffer;

View File

@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ namespace NeonTea.Quakeball.TeaNet.Peers {
/// <summary>Last unreliable Packet ID we've received from the connection</summary>
public int LatestInwardUnreliable;
/// <summary>The id of the first packet in the queue to be sent</summary>
public int CurrentFirstPacket;
/// <summary>Reliable Packet ID counter for packets we're sending them</summary>
public int ReliablePacketIDCounter;
/// <summary>Unreliable Packet ID counter for packets we're sending them</summary>

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ using System.Net;
using System.Threading;
using System;
using NeonTea.Quakeball.TeaNet.Packets;
using UnityEngine;
namespace NeonTea.Quakeball.TeaNet.Peers {
/// <summary>Manages connections for Peer, sends them keepalives and sends and handles incoming messages.</summary>
@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ namespace NeonTea.Quakeball.TeaNet.Peers {
private ulong ConnectionCounter;
private Dictionary<ulong, Connection> Connections = new Dictionary<ulong, Connection>();
private Dictionary<IPEndPoint, ulong> IPtoID = new Dictionary<IPEndPoint, ulong>();
private Dictionary<ulong, List<Packet>> PacketQueue = new Dictionary<ulong, List<Packet>>();
private Dictionary<ulong, ConcurrentQueue<Packet>> PacketQueue = new Dictionary<ulong, ConcurrentQueue<Packet>>();
private Peer Peer;
public Dictionary<ulong, Queue<ProtocolAction>> ProtocolActionQueues = new Dictionary<ulong, Queue<ProtocolAction>>();
@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ namespace NeonTea.Quakeball.TeaNet.Peers {
p = p.ShallowCopy();
p.PacketId = Connections[uid].Internal.ReliablePacketIDCounter++;
/// <summary>Send the current packet queue instantly.</summary>
@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ namespace NeonTea.Quakeball.TeaNet.Peers {
conn.uid = ConnectionCounter++;
Connections.Add(conn.uid, conn);
IPtoID.Add(conn.Endpoint, conn.uid);
PacketQueue.Add(conn.uid, new List<Packet>());
PacketQueue.Add(conn.uid, new ConcurrentQueue<Packet>());
private void RemoveConnection(Connection conn) {
@ -238,14 +239,28 @@ namespace NeonTea.Quakeball.TeaNet.Peers {
conn.Internal.LatestOutwardReliable = buffer.ReadInt();
int FirstPacketId = buffer.ReadInt();
List<Packet> list = PacketQueue[conn.uid];
list.RemoveAll(p => p.PacketId <= conn.Internal.LatestOutwardReliable);
PacketQueue[conn.uid] = list;
ConcurrentQueue<Packet> queue = PacketQueue[conn.uid];
Packet peeked;
while (queue.TryPeek(out peeked)) {
if (peeked.PacketId <= conn.Internal.LatestOutwardReliable) {
Packet discarded;
queue.TryDequeue(out discarded);
conn.Internal.CurrentFirstPacket = peeked.PacketId;
PacketQueue[conn.uid] = queue;
int PacketAmount = buffer.ReadInt();
for (int i = 0; i < PacketAmount; i++) {
Packet p = buffer.ReadPacket(protocol);
//p.PacketId = FirstPacketId + i;
if (i == 0 && p.PacketId == FirstPacketId) {
if (p.PacketIsReliable) {
if (p.PacketId > conn.Internal.LatestInwardReliable) {
conn.Internal.LatestInwardReliable = p.PacketId;

View File

@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ namespace NeonTea.Quakeball.TeaNet.Peers {
ConnectionManager.ReceivedByPacket[t] = 0;
foreach (Type t in ConnectionManager.SentByPacket.Keys) {
ConnectionManager.ReceivedByPacket[t] = 0;
ConnectionManager.SentByPacket[t] = 0;