Fix soldier rigging

This commit is contained in:
Jens Pitkänen 2020-08-10 17:45:35 +03:00
parent fb4dd3e801
commit 2043dd2961
6 changed files with 154 additions and 593 deletions

View File

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scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999976, z: 0.9999998}
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rotation: {x: 0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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parentName: ABD
position: {x: -0.002, y: 0, z: -1.4901161e-10}
rotation: {x: 0.99873745, y: -0.017810801, z: -0.0057523083, w: -0.04661742}
scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.99999994}
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parentName: THIGH.R
position: {x: 9.2946165e-11, y: 0.006999998, z: 6.6033423e-10}
rotation: {x: -0.34425038, y: -0.0000094193965, z: -0.000024950132, w: 0.93887794}
scale: {x: 1, y: 0.99999994, z: 0.9999999}
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position: {x: -1.3252439e-11, y: 0.010049877, z: 1.0254215e-10}
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scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.9999999}
- name: FOOT.R_end
parentName: FOOT.R
position: {x: -0, y: 0.0019999999, z: 0}
rotation: {x: 0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
- name: IK_FOOT.L
parentName: ROOT
position: {x: 0.002, y: -0.0056860396, z: -0.02264523}
rotation: {x: 0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
- name: IK_FOOT.L_end
parentName: IK_FOOT.L
position: {x: -0, y: 0.0039999997, z: 0}
rotation: {x: 0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
- name: IK_FOOT.R
parentName: ROOT
position: {x: -0.002, y: 0.0031428204, z: -0.022681827}
rotation: {x: 0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1, y: 0.9999999, z: 0.9999999}
- name: IK_FOOT.R_end
parentName: IK_FOOT.R
position: {x: -0, y: 0.0039999997, z: 0}
rotation: {x: 0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
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parentName: ROOT
position: {x: 0.002, y: 0.012192632, z: -0.01233113}
rotation: {x: 0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
- name: IK_KNEE.L_end
parentName: IK_KNEE.L
position: {x: -0, y: 0.0040000007, z: 0}
rotation: {x: 0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
- name: IK_KNEE.R
parentName: ROOT
position: {x: -0.002, y: 0.012192632, z: -0.01233113}
rotation: {x: 0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
- name: IK_KNEE.R_end
parentName: IK_KNEE.R
position: {x: -0, y: 0.0040000007, z: 0}
rotation: {x: 0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1}
scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
armTwist: 0.5
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legTwist: 0.5
armStretch: 0.05
legStretch: 0.05
feetSpacing: 0
globalScale: 1
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skeletonHasParents: 1
lastHumanDescriptionAvatarSource: {instanceID: 0}
autoGenerateAvatarMappingIfUnspecified: 1
animationType: 3
humanoidOversampling: 1
avatarSetup: 1
additionalBone: 0

View File

@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ AnimatorController:
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m_DefaultInt: 0
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m_Controller: {fileID: 9100000}
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m_Controller: {fileID: 9100000}
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m_Name: Base Layer
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m_TimeScale: 1
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m_Motion: {fileID: 4767594854432372465, guid: e18005d630710ec40b4e791ef3ee97c7, type: 3}
m_Threshold: 1
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@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ BlendTree:
m_DirectBlendParameter: Blend
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m_Motion: {fileID: -2101640418457204544, guid: e18005d630710ec40b4e791ef3ee97c7, type: 3}
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m_TimeScale: 1

View File

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Binary file not shown.