# Autogenerated (look at the end of the file for manual additions): # Created by https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/unity,visualstudiocode # Edit at https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore?templates=unity,visualstudiocode ### Unity ### # This .gitignore file should be placed at the root of your Unity project directory # # Get latest from https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/Unity.gitignore /[Ll]ibrary/ /[Tt]emp/ /[Oo]bj/ /[Bb]uild/ /[Bb]uilds/ /[Ll]ogs/ /[Uu]ser[Ss]ettings/ # MemoryCaptures can get excessive in size. # They also could contain extremely sensitive data /[Mm]emoryCaptures/ # Asset meta data should only be ignored when the corresponding asset is also ignored !/[Aa]ssets/**/*.meta # Uncomment this line if you wish to ignore the asset store tools plugin # /[Aa]ssets/AssetStoreTools* # Autogenerated Jetbrains Rider plugin /[Aa]ssets/Plugins/Editor/JetBrains* # Visual Studio cache directory .vs/ # Gradle cache directory .gradle/ # Autogenerated VS/MD/Consulo solution and project files ExportedObj/ .consulo/ *.csproj *.unityproj *.sln *.suo *.tmp *.user *.userprefs *.pidb *.booproj *.svd *.pdb *.mdb *.opendb *.VC.db # Unity3D generated meta files *.pidb.meta *.pdb.meta *.mdb.meta # Unity3D generated file on crash reports sysinfo.txt # Builds *.apk *.unitypackage # Crashlytics generated file crashlytics-build.properties # Autogenerated files InitTestScene*.unity.meta InitTestScene*.unity ### VisualStudioCode ### .vscode/* !.vscode/settings.json !.vscode/tasks.json !.vscode/launch.json !.vscode/extensions.json *.code-workspace ### VisualStudioCode Patch ### # Ignore all local history of files .history # End of https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/unity,visualstudiocode # Manual changes: # VS code configurations /.vscode/ # Local development scenes / assets /[Aa]ssets/[Dd]eveloper/ /[Aa]ssets/[Dd]eveloper.meta # Lightmaps are too big to always commit # Manually include textures later, e.g. !/Assets/Textures/*.png *.exr* *.png* LightingData.asset* # Sprites !/[Aa]ssets/[Gg]raphics/[Ss]prites/**/*