var JSXCommands; (function (JSXCommands) { /** * Echoes the given arguments */ class Echo { create(terminal, stdio, args) { if (args.filter((a) => { return a != ""; }).length == 0) { stdio.println("Nothing echoes... nothing"); terminal.closeProgram(this); return; } stdio.println(args.join(" ")); terminal.closeProgram(this); } enable() { } disable() { } onClose() { return true; } getManual() { return "Echoes the given arguments" + "\n\nUsage: echo [anything to echo]"; } } JSXCommands.Echo = Echo; /** * Lists all files in the given directory or this directory, if path not specified. */ class List { constructor(jsx) { this.jsx = jsx; } create(terminal, stdio, args) { let folder = this.jsx.currentFolder; if (args.length > 0) { let pathStr = args.slice(-1)[0]; let path = this.jsx.findPath(pathStr); if (path instanceof JavaScriptX.Folder) { args.splice(-1); folder = path; } } let argObj = parseArgsToObject(args); let a = "a" in argObj; if (a) { stdio.println(".", "blue"); if (folder.parentFolder != null) { stdio.println("..", "blue"); } } let files = folder.files.filter(f => (!f.hidden || a)); for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { let f = files[i]; stdio.println(JavaScriptX.formatToLength(, 20), ((f.hidden) ? "blue" : (f instanceof JavaScriptX.Folder) ? "red" : "yellow")); stdio.print(" " + ((f instanceof JavaScriptX.Folder) ? "DIR" : ((f instanceof JavaScriptX.BinaryFile) ? "BIN" : "TXT"))); stdio.print(" " + new Date(f.created).toLocaleString()); } terminal.closeProgram(this); } enable() { } disable() { } onClose() { return true; } getManual() { return "Lists all files in the given directory\nor this directory, if path not specified." + "\n\nUsage: ls [options] [path]" + "\n\nOptions:\n " + JavaScriptX.formatToLength("-a", 10) + "List all files (incl. hidden)"; } } JSXCommands.List = List; /** * Changes directory to the specified directory. */ class ChangeDirectory { constructor(jsx) { this.jsx = jsx; } create(terminal, stdio, args) { if (args.length == 0) { stdio.println("Insufficent parameters, usage:"); stdio.println("cd [path]"); terminal.closeProgram(this); return; } let path = this.jsx.findPath(args[0]); let folder = false; if (path) { if (path instanceof JavaScriptX.Folder) { folder = true; } else { stdio.println(`'${args[0]}' is not a folder.`); } } else { stdio.println(`'${args[0]}' not found.`); } if (folder && path instanceof JavaScriptX.Folder) { this.jsx.currentFolder = path; } terminal.closeProgram(this); } enable() { } disable() { } onClose() { return true; } getManual() { return "Changes directory to the specified directory." + "\n\nUsage: cd [path]"; } } JSXCommands.ChangeDirectory = ChangeDirectory; /** * Creates a directory at specified location. */ class MakeDirectory { constructor(jsx) { this.jsx = jsx; } create(terminal, stdio, args) { if (args.length == 0) { stdio.println("Insufficent parameters, usage:"); stdio.println("mkdir [path]"); terminal.closeProgram(this); return; } let pathArg = args.splice(-1)[0]; let argObj = parseArgsToObject(args); let h = "h" in argObj; let origPathpieces = pathArg.split("/"); let curr = [origPathpieces[0]]; let i = 0; let createFolder = false; do { let path = this.jsx.findPath(curr.join("/")); if (!path) { if (origPathpieces.length == curr.length) { createFolder = true; } else { stdio.println(`${curr.join("/")} not found!`); } break; } else if (path && origPathpieces.length == curr.length) { stdio.println(`${curr.join("/")} already exists!`); } else if (!(path instanceof JavaScriptX.Folder)) { stdio.println(`${curr.join("/")} is not a folder!`); } if (i < origPathpieces.length) { i += 1; curr.push(origPathpieces[i]); } } while (curr.length < origPathpieces.length + 1); if (createFolder) { let path = origPathpieces.slice(0, -1).join("/"); let name = origPathpieces.slice(-1)[0]; let relative = this.jsx.findPath(path); if (relative instanceof JavaScriptX.Folder) { relative.addFile(new JavaScriptX.Folder(name, h)); } else { stdio.println("An error occoured creating the folder."); } } terminal.closeProgram(this); } enable() { } disable() { } onClose() { return true; } getManual() { return "Creates a directory at specified location." + "\n\nUsage: mkdir [options] [path]" + "\n\nOptions:\n " + JavaScriptX.formatToLength("-h", 10) + "Makes the folder hidden."; } } JSXCommands.MakeDirectory = MakeDirectory; /** * The Woman in the JSX equivalent to the UNIX Man. * It's called Woman (not Man) because of the funny wording, * where 'man' sounds like the gender 'man' */ class Woman { constructor(jsx) { this.jsx = jsx; } create(terminal, stdio, args) { if (args.length == 0) { this.readManual(stdio, this); terminal.closeProgram(this); return; } let filePath = args.slice(-1)[0]; for (let env in this.jsx.environmentVariables) { if (filePath == env) { filePath = env; break; } let envFolder = this.jsx.findPath(this.jsx.environmentVariables[env]); if (envFolder instanceof JavaScriptX.Folder) { for (let i = 0; i < envFolder.files.length; i++) { if (envFolder.files[i].name == filePath) { filePath = envFolder.files[i].getPath(); break; } } } } let f = this.jsx.findPath(filePath); if (f && f instanceof JavaScriptX.BinaryFile && manualGuard(f.program)) { this.readManual(stdio, f.program); } else { stdio.println("Nothing to womansplain."); } terminal.closeProgram(this); } enable() { } disable() { } onClose() { return true; } getManual() { return "The Woman in the JSX equivalent to the UNIX Man. " + "It's called Woman (not Man) because of the funny wording, " + "where 'man' sounds like the gender 'man'" + "\n\nUsage: woman [path]"; } readManual(stdio, manual) { stdio.println(manual.getManual()); } } JSXCommands.Woman = Woman; class Caternate { constructor(jsx) { this.jsx = jsx; } create(terminal, stdio, args) { if (args.length == 0) { stdio.println("Insufficent arguments."); stdio.println("\nUsage: cat [path]"); terminal.closeProgram(this); return; } let path = args.splice(-1)[0]; let file = this.jsx.findPath(path); if (file instanceof JavaScriptX.BinaryFile) { stdio.println("Unable to read binary files (yet)."); } else if (file instanceof JavaScriptX.Folder) { stdio.println(, "blue"); stdio.print(" is a DIRectory containing "); stdio.print(file.files.length + "", "red"); stdio.print(" files."); } else if (file instanceof JavaScriptX.TextFile) { let contents = file.readContent(); stdio.println(contents); } terminal.closeProgram(this); } enable() { } disable() { } onClose() { return true; } getManual() { return "[cat]ernate reads data from given file and outputs it." + "\n\nUsage: cat [path]"; } readManual(stdio, manual) { stdio.println(manual.getManual()); } } JSXCommands.Caternate = Caternate; class Touch { constructor(jsx) { this.jsx = jsx; } create(terminal, stdio, args) { if (args.length == 0) { stdio.println("Insufficent arguments."); stdio.println("\nUsage: touch [path]"); terminal.closeProgram(this); return; } let path = args.splice(-1)[0]; let file = this.jsx.findPath(path); if (file) { file.created = new Date().getTime(); } else { let origPathparts = path.split("/"); let curr = [origPathparts[0]]; for (let i = 1; i < origPathparts.length; i++) { let currFile = this.jsx.findPath(curr.join("/")); if (!currFile) { stdio.println(`${curr.join("/")} not found.`); terminal.closeProgram(this); return; } curr.push(origPathparts[i]); } let filename = curr.splice(-1); let folder = this.jsx.findPath(curr.join("/")); if (folder instanceof JavaScriptX.Folder) { folder.addFile(new JavaScriptX.TextFile(filename[0])); } else { stdio.println(`${curr.join("/")} is not a folder.`); } } terminal.closeProgram(this); } enable() { } disable() { } onClose() { return true; } getManual() { return "Touch touches the file specified updating it's timestamp. If the file doesn't exist, it's created." + "\n\nUsage: touch [path]"; } readManual(stdio, manual) { stdio.println(manual.getManual()); } } JSXCommands.Touch = Touch; class JEdi { constructor(jsx) { this.text = [""]; this.row = 0; this.jsx = jsx; } create(terminal, stdio, args) { this.stdio = stdio; this.terminal = terminal; this.doCommand(); } enable() { } disable() { } onClose() { return true; } getManual() { return "(J)avascript (Edi)tor is a custom version of the UNIX editor 'ed'." + "\nIt's quite simpler in the way that all of it's commands are whole words" + "\n\nUsage: jedi [(optional) path]"; } readManual(stdio, manual) { stdio.println(manual.getManual()); } doCommand() { let readline = this.stdio.readline({ callback: c => this.exec(c), prefix: "\n> ", printAfterDone: true }); } exec(command) { if (command == "exit" || command == "quit") { this.terminal.closeProgram(this); return; } else if (command.split(" ")[0] == "append") { let appended = command.split(" ").slice(1).join(" "); debugger; console.log(appended); let rows = appended.split("\n"); console.log(rows); for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { if (this.text.length <= (this.row + i)) { this.text.push(""); } this.text[this.row + i] += rows[i]; } this.row += rows.length - 1; this.stdio.println(`${this.text[this.row]}`); } this.doCommand(); } } JSXCommands.JEdi = JEdi; /** * Parses all given args from '--arg val' into format {arg: val} */ function parseArgsToObject(args, defaults = {}) { let returned = {}; for (let key in defaults) { returned[key] = defaults[key]; } let currArg = null; args.forEach(arg => { if (arg.startsWith("-")) { if (arg.startsWith("--")) { if (currArg) { returned[currArg] = null; } ; currArg = arg.substr(2); return; } if (currArg) { returned[currArg] = null; } ; currArg = arg.substr(1); } else { if (currArg) { returned[currArg] = arg; currArg = null; } } }); if (currArg) { returned[currArg] = null; } ; return returned; } function manualGuard(arg) { return arg.getManual !== undefined; } })(JSXCommands || (JSXCommands = {}));