ID_MAX = 68; POSSIBLE_FLAVOURTEXTS = [ "Sieni elää symbioosissa, eli ns. verkossa.", "Viikingit söivät kärpässieniä saavuttaakseen raivoisan taisteluvireen.", " saattaa aiheuttaa pysyvää vahinkoa mielenterveydelle liikaa nautittuna.", "Sieni ei ole kasvi.", "Sieni ei ole eläin.", "Kärpässienet aiheuttavat aistiharhoja.", 'Todellisuus on vain psilosybiinin puutteesta johtuva illuusio.' ]; RUFFLE_WIP_ERR = '
Ruffle ei vielä tue tämän id:n .swf tiedostoa tarpeeksi näyttääkseen sen oikein.
\Lue infosivulta rufflen ongelmista tarkemmin.
'; ISSUES = [35, 41, 43, 50, 60, 68]; CURRENT_SWF = null; LAST_LOADED_SWF = null; /////////////////// Initializing & Generic stuff // Called on document.onload by definition in html document: // function on_load() { player = window["player"]; let is_info = (window.location.pathname === "/info.html"); make_links_spa(); if (!is_info) { on_load_index(); } window.onpopstate = e => { if (player.instance && window.location.pathname === "/") { load_current_id(); } else { load_page_spa(location.toString()); } }; } // on_load index.html function on_load_index() { window.RufflePlayer = window.RufflePlayer || {}; window.RufflePlayer.config = { "public_path": "/js/ruffle/ruffle.js" }; let ruffle = window.RufflePlayer.newest(); player = ruffle.create_player(); let ruffle_container = document.getElementById("ruffle-container"); ruffle_container.appendChild(player); context = new AudioContext(); context.resume().then(_ => { document.getElementById("audio-test").innerHTML = ""; }).catch(e => { console.log("Failure : " + e); }); setInterval(_ => { if (LAST_LOADED_SWF !== CURRENT_SWF) { LAST_LOADED_SWF = CURRENT_SWF; if (CURRENT_SWF) { load_and_play(CURRENT_SWF); } } }, 100); load_current_id(); document.onkeypress = try_resume; document.onmousedown = try_resume; } function set_error(message) { document.getElementById("error").innerHTML = ""; console.log(message); if (message) { var template = document.createElement('template'); template.innerHTML = message; document.getElementById("error").append(template.content); } } function set_flavourtext(flavourtext) { var template = document.createElement('template'); template.innerHTML = flavourtext; document.getElementById("flavourtext").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("flavourtext").append(template.content); } /////////////////// SPA (single-page-application) stuff // Load a page as spa function load_page_spa(url) { let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.addEventListener("loadend", _ => { CURRENT_SWF = null; document.onkeypress = _ => { }; document.onmousedown = _ => { }; let parser = new DOMParser(); let new_document = parser.parseFromString(request.responseText, "text/html"); document.title = new_document.title; document.body = new_document.body; window.history.pushState(url, url, url); on_load(); }); console.log("get " + url);"GET", url); request.send(); } // Make all elements with class "spa" be spa'd links function make_links_spa() { let elems = document.getElementsByClassName("spa"); for (i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { let elem = elems[i]; url = elem.href; elem.onclick = e => { e.preventDefault(); load_page_spa(url); } } } // Load the given id as spa. Assumes we are on index.html already function load_id_spa(id) { let new_url = window.location.protocol + ":/" + + "/?id=" + id; console.log(new_url); window.history.pushState(new_url, new_url, "/?id=" + id); load_current_id(); } /////////////////// Ruffle stuff // Get current id, or random id if no id can be found function current_id() { let id = null; search ="="); if (search[0] === "?id" && search.length > 1) { id = parseInt(search[1]); } return try_get_id(id, null); } // Returns id if id is valid, otherwise increments increment to it, or chooses a random id if increment is null // Skip id's with issues function try_get_id(id, increment) { let returned = id; if (id === null || isNaN(id) || id < 0 || id > ID_MAX) { returned = get_random_id(); } else { if (increment) { returned = (id + increment + ID_MAX + 1) % (ID_MAX + 1); } } while (ISSUES.includes(returned) && increment) { returned = (returned + increment + ID_MAX + 1) % (ID_MAX + 1); } return returned; } // Get an entirely random id, but skip id's with issues function get_random_id() { let random_id = Math.floor(Math.random() * (ID_MAX + 1)); while (ISSUES.includes(random_id)) { random_id = Math.floor(Math.random() * (ID_MAX + 1)); } return random_id; } // Load the swf with current_id(), and set_up_link() previous, random and next function load_current_id() { let flavourtext = POSSIBLE_FLAVOURTEXTS[Math.floor(Math.random() * POSSIBLE_FLAVOURTEXTS.length)].trim(); set_flavourtext(flavourtext); let id = current_id(); let url = swf_url(id); let error = null; if (ISSUES.includes(id)) { error = RUFFLE_WIP_ERR; } set_error(error); CURRENT_SWF = url; let previous_id = try_get_id(id, -1); let next_id = try_get_id(id, 1); let random_id = get_random_id(); set_up_link("previous", previous_id); set_up_link("random", random_id); set_up_link("next", next_id); } // Set up the link at id elem_id, so it's href points at /?id=[id], and update it's onclick function set_up_link(elem_id, id) { let elem = document.getElementById(elem_id); elem.href = "/?id=" + id; elem.onclick = e => { e.preventDefault(); load_id_spa(id); } } // Get the swf file url from the given ID function swf_url(id) { return "/swf/" + ("00" + id).substr(-2) + ".swf" } // Load and play the swf file from the given URL function load_and_play(url) { let abs_url = new URL(url, window.location.href).toString(); console.log("Loading SWF file " + url); fetch(abs_url).then(response => { if (response.ok) { response.arrayBuffer().then(data => { player.play_swf_data(data).then(_ => { if (player.play_button) = "none"; player.play_button_clicked(player); }); }); } else { console.error("SWF load failed: " + response.status + " " + response.statusText + " for " + url); } }); } // Try to resume the ruffle instance, and update fake-context's resume function try_resume() { context.resume(); if (player.instance) {; } };