use argh::FromArgs; use std::path::PathBuf; #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh(description = "Tool for gathering location data from Yepzon servers.")] pub struct EnvOpt { #[argh( option, short = 'c', description = "config.toml file path.", default = "PathBuf::from(\"config.toml\")" )] pub config: PathBuf, #[argh(subcommand)] pub subcommand: Subcommand, } #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh(subcommand)] pub enum Subcommand { Between(BetweenOpt), Init(InitOpt), Nick(NickOpt), } #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh( subcommand, name = "between", description = "fetch locations for a given section in time.\n nickname, or index from nick list.\nsince and until in format, OR hh:mm:ss, OR" )] pub struct BetweenOpt { #[argh(positional, description = "device to be fetched")] pub device: String, // Device = tag, but in human speech #[argh( option, short = 's', description = "the oldest point in time to get locations from." )] pub since: String, #[argh( option, short = 'u', description = "the most recent point in time to get locations from, default = now." )] pub until: Option, } #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh(subcommand, name = "init", description = "initializes a config file")] pub struct InitOpt {} #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh( subcommand, name = "nick", description = "provides nicknaming to devices" )] pub struct NickOpt { #[argh(subcommand)] pub subcommand: NickSub, } #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh(subcommand)] pub enum NickSub { List(NickListOpt), Set(NickSetOpt), } #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh( subcommand, name = "list", description = "List all devices and their current nicknames" )] pub struct NickListOpt {} #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh( subcommand, name = "set", description = "Set nickname for given device index. see index with nick list" )] pub struct NickSetOpt { #[argh(positional, description = "device index, see index with nick list")] pub index: i32, #[argh(positional, description = "the new nickname for the device")] pub nickname: String, }