
70 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using Saltosion.OneWeapon.Utils;
namespace Saltosion.OneWeapon.Effects {
public enum DebrisType {
Blood, Structural, Wood
public class DebrisLauncher : MonoBehaviour {
private static DebrisLauncher Singleton;
private static int SingletonSceneIndex = -1;
public GameObject StructuralParticlePrefab;
public GameObject WoodParticlePrefab;
public GameObject BloodParticlePrefab;
public GameObject CensoredBloodParticlePrefab;
public Transform ParticleRoot;
public int MaxParticles;
public bool DebugLaunch = false;
public static void Splatter(DebrisType Type, Vector2 origin, Vector2 direction, int particleCount, float force, float degrees, bool sticky = true) {
int ParticleCount = (int)(particleCount * (Type == DebrisType.Blood ? Singleton.GetBloodParticleCountMultiplier() : 1));
LaunchParticles(Singleton.GetDebrisPrefab(Type), origin, direction, particleCount, force, degrees, sticky);
private static void LaunchParticles(GameObject prefab, Vector2 origin, Vector2 direction, int particleCount, float force, float degrees, bool sticky) {
for (int i = 0; i < particleCount; i++) {
if (Singleton.ParticleRoot.childCount >= Singleton.MaxParticles) {
Destroy(Singleton.ParticleRoot.GetChild((int)(Random.value * Singleton.ParticleRoot.childCount)).gameObject);
GameObject Obj = Instantiate(prefab, origin, new Quaternion(), Singleton.ParticleRoot);
DebrisParticle Particle = Obj.GetComponent<DebrisParticle>();
float Intensity = Mathf.Pow(Random.value, 0.8f) * force;
float Cone = degrees / 360.0f;
float Offset = Mathf.Atan2(direction.y, direction.x);
float Radians = Offset + Mathf.Pow(Cone * (Random.value - 0.5f) * 2f, 2f) * Mathf.PI * 2.0f;
Particle.LaunchForce = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(Radians), Mathf.Sin(Radians)) * Intensity;
Particle.GetsStuck = sticky && Random.value < 0.5;
private void Start() {
int Index = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex;
if (SingletonSceneIndex == Index) {
Debug.LogWarning($"The scene '{SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name}' has multiple DebrisLaunchers!\nOnly the last to run Start() will be used.");
SingletonSceneIndex = Index;
Singleton = this;
private GameObject GetDebrisPrefab(DebrisType Type) {
switch (Type) {
case DebrisType.Blood:
return Options.CensorGore ? CensoredBloodParticlePrefab : BloodParticlePrefab;
case DebrisType.Structural:
return StructuralParticlePrefab;
case DebrisType.Wood:
return WoodParticlePrefab;
return CensoredBloodParticlePrefab;
private float GetBloodParticleCountMultiplier() {
return Options.CensorGore ? 0.1f : 1.5f;