2017-05-12 02:03:27 +03:00

99 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using Cyber.Entities.SyncBases;
using Cyber.Console;
using Cyber.Networking.Clientside;
using Cyber.Networking;
using Cyber.Networking.Messages;
using Cyber.Entities;
namespace Cyber.Controls {
/// <summary>
/// Controls the player character. Shouldn't exist on the server, and only one
/// should exist per client (the character that client is controlling).
/// </summary>
public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour {
/// <summary>
/// The character this controller should control.
/// </summary>
public Character Character;
/// <summary>
/// The camera the player is seeing the world through.
/// </summary>
public Camera Camera;
private CursorHandler CursorHandler;
private Vector3 Rotation;
private GameObject LastLookedAt;
private void Start() {
CursorHandler = GameObject.Find("/Systems/CursorHandler").GetComponent<CursorHandler>();
private void Update() {
if (!Term.IsVisible()) {
// Don't do any "gameplay stuff" if the debug console is up
// Handle inputs
// Movement
Vector3 Move = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));
if (Move.sqrMagnitude != 0) {
} else if (Character.Moving()) {
// Rotation
Rotation.y += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * CursorHandler.MouseSensitivityX;
Rotation.x = Mathf.Clamp(Rotation.x - Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * CursorHandler.MouseSensitivityY, -89, 89);
// Interactions
GameObject LookedAtObject = GetLookedAtGameObject();
if (LookedAtObject != null) {
Interactable LookingAt = LookedAtObject.GetComponent<Interactable>();
if (LookingAt != null && (LookingAt.transform.position - Character.GetPosition()).magnitude < Character.InteractionDistance) {
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Activate")) {
InteractWith(LookingAt, InteractionType.Activate);
if (Input.GetButtonUp("Activate")) {
InteractWith(LookingAt, InteractionType.Deactivate);
if (LookedAtObject != LastLookedAt) {
InteractWith(LookingAt, InteractionType.Enter);
if (LastLookedAt != null) {
InteractWith(LastLookedAt.GetComponent<Interactable>(), InteractionType.Exit);
LastLookedAt = LookedAtObject;
} else if (LastLookedAt != null) {
InteractWith(LastLookedAt.GetComponent<Interactable>(), InteractionType.Exit);
LastLookedAt = null;
} else if (Character.Moving()) {
// The debug console is open, stop the player.
private void InteractWith(Interactable interactable, InteractionType type) {
interactable.Interact(Character, type);
if (interactable.GetInteractableSyncdata().PublicInteractions) {
Client.Send(PktType.Interact, new InteractionPkt(interactable.ID, type));
private GameObject GetLookedAtGameObject() {
RaycastHit Hit;
Physics.Raycast(Camera.transform.position, Camera.transform.forward, out Hit, Character.InteractionDistance);
if (Hit.collider != null) {
return Hit.collider.gameObject;
} else {
return null;