2017-05-14 23:25:19 +03:00

34 lines
1.2 KiB

using Cyber.Networking.Messages;
namespace Cyber.Networking.Clientside {
/// <summary>
/// Syncer used on the clientside which sends sync packets from the client to the server containing their movement direction, rotation and possible checksums.
/// </summary>
public class ClientSyncer : Syncer {
/// <summary>
/// Creates a Client syncer, constructor only defined because of inheritance of <see cref="Syncer"/>.
/// </summary>
public ClientSyncer() : base(1f / 10) {}
/// <summary>
/// Performs a client sync tick.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Tick">The number of the tick, which can be used to determine a few things, like when to sync certain things.</param>
public override void PerformTick(int Tick) {
ClientSyncPkt SyncPkt = new ClientSyncPkt();
var PlayerCharacter = Client.GetConnectedPlayer().Character;
SyncPkt.ClientSyncID = NextSyncID();
SyncPkt.MoveDirection = PlayerCharacter.GetMovementDirection();
SyncPkt.Rotation = PlayerCharacter.GetRotation();
Client.SendByChannel(PktType.ClientSync, SyncPkt, NetworkChannelID.Unreliable);